Roblox Download A Copy Of A Game


About this Game

Imagine being able to create your own game within another game; that’s what you get when you play Roblox Online. This massively multiplayer game is an online social platform that lets you channel your creativity. You can build and publish your own virtual world within this game. The game features building tools and a programming language that enables you to do this.

With over 29 million games and 56 million players, these Roblox games tallied over a billion playing hours every month. This platform’s growth is exponential, skyrocketing to greater heights since its official release in 2006. As of April 2020, there are more than 1.5 billion created accounts on the platform. Indeed, Roblox is a giant global online gaming platform with unparalleled reach.

What are the Game Features of Roblox?

This online game platform is available on iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Xbox One. To play, sign up and make an account; choose your own username (as long as it is still available). You can select your own character as well, which you can customize via avatar shop purchases.

Plus, Roblox also features a party chat feature so this means that you can connect with your friends and family. There are also group walls where you can post your messages. You are free to participate in all of the social aspects of this game platform.

Free Avatar Shop for Character Customization

Do you want to customize the look of your character? Go to the Avatar Shop and buy the items you need to create the look you desire. Formerly known as the Catalog, the Avatar Shop is where you can get all the virtual clothing and accessories. On the other hand, For your purchases, you will use Robux, which is the game’s only universal currency.


In the Avatar Shop, you can find shirts, pants, and gear. You can even change the heads and faces of your characters, which you can see in the shop.

Enjoy the Free Roblox Game on PC

Are you ready to explore a grand virtual universe? Take a peek into a fantastic realm that lets you play and create anything you can imagine. And what better way to experience this than on a bigger screen. So download Roblox games on your PC.


The best part about this online game platform is that it is easy to download and install. Plus, it is free to play. Enjoy the never-ending fun and fresh challenges as you explore this new realm. So, if you’re ready to take on the adventure now, download Roblox now! You’re one step away in conquering and exploring the world!

Are you thrilled to play more adventure games like Pokemon Go? Then, download PAC-MAN or AdVenture Capitalist for Free Download now on PC with friends.

Jul 29th, 2016
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  1. I have the script But since I am giving you guys a script can you do a favour and get me this game
  3. --Instructions:
  4. 2. Run any script executer.
  5. 4. Wait till it starts printing massively.
  6. 6. CTRL+A on the output then CTRL+C
  7. 7. Go to studio, new script, paste, remove the elysian/executer outputs on the top.
  8. 9. Run the game in studio.
  9. What's 10xCopy? The 10x faster remade version of my old place copier.
  10. Settings = {
  11. Copy = true, -- Using this option might cause lag in game but it doesn't remove the game.
  12. Creator = '001', -- Created by 001 from
  13. EverythingAnchored = false, -- Anchors every part.
  14. CopyLightingProperties = true, -- Copy ambient, skybox, timeofday, globalshadows, etc properties from Lighting.
  15. AllowedClassnames = {'Part','WedgePart','SpawnLocation','UnionOperation','Seat','VehicleSeat','TrussPart'}
  16. newline = [[
  17. ]]
  18. tablecheck = function(t,value) -- Function: tablecheck, Description: checks a table for a value, Variables: table (table), value (string).
  19. if vvalue then
  20. end
  21. return nil
  22. printFunction = function(str) -- Function: printFunction, Description: Custom print function, Variables: print (string).
  23. end
  24. copy = function(children) -- no time to document this,
  25. if tablecheck(AllowedClassnames, PartClass) then
  26. printFunction(PartName..''..PartClass..', Workspace)') --
  27. if children:IsA'UnionOperation' then
  28. end
  29. if children:IsA'Part' or children:IsA'SpawnLocation' or children:IsA'Seat' then
  30. end
  31. if children:IsA'Part' or children:IsA'WedgePart' or children:IsA'SpawnLocation' or children:IsA'Seat' then
  32. end
  33. local Locked = tostring(children.Locked)
  34. local Size = children.Size
  35. local CanCollide = tostring(children.CanCollide)
  36. local Archivable = tostring(children.Archivable)
  37. local Transparency = tonumber(children.Transparency)
  38. local Reflectance = tonumber(children.Reflectance)
  39. local BrickColor = children.BrickColor
  40. local fc = PartName..','..Name..','..tostring(Settings.EverythingAnchored)..','..shape..','..upc..','..CanCollide..','..Locked..','..Anchored..','..Archivable..','..formfactor..',{'..tostring(Size)..'},{'..tostring(CFrame)..'},'..tostring(BrickColor)..','..Transparency..','..tostring(Material)..','..Reflectance
  41. printFunction('ss('..PartName..','..tostring(children.BackSurface)..','..tostring(children.BottomSurface)..','..tostring(children.FrontSurface)..','..tostring(children.LeftSurface)..','..tostring(children.RightSurface)..','..tostring(children.TopSurface)..')')
  42. if v:IsA'Decal' then
  43. printFunction('d('..v.Name..','..tonumber(v.Transparency)..','..tostring(v.Texture)..','..tostring(v.Face)..','..tostring(v.Name)..')') -- Decal
  44. -- For mesh (d): p=part,t=meshid,te=meshtexture,face=size,n=name,ff=meshtype
  45. printFunction('d('..PartName..','..tostring(v.MeshId)..','..tostring(v.TextureId)..',{'..tostring(v.Scale)..'},'..tostring(v.Name)..','..tostring(v.MeshType)..')') -- Mesh
  46. end
  47. end
  48. c=function(part,name,everythinganchored,shape,usepartcolor,cancollide,locked,anchored,archivable,formfactor,size,cframe,brickcolor,transparency,material,reflectance)
  49. function tabltostring(tabl)
  50. for i,v in pairs(tabl) do
  51. end
  52. end
  53. return tonumber(nu)
  54. if part:IsA'Part' or part:IsA'SpawnLocation' or part:IsA'Seat' then
  55. end
  56. part.UsePartColor=usepartcolor
  57. part.CanCollide=cancollide
  58. if everythinganchored true then
  59. else
  60. end
  61. if part:IsA'Part' or part:IsA'WedgePart' or part:IsA'SpawnLocation' or part:IsA'Seat' then
  62. end
  63. part.Size =[1]),n(size[2]),n(size[3]))
  64. part.CFrame =[1]),n(cframe[2]),n(cframe[3]),n(cframe[4]),n(cframe[5]),n(cframe[6]),n(cframe[7]),n(cframe[8]),n(cframe[9]),n(cframe[10]),n(cframe[11]),n(cframe[12]))
  65. part.Material = material
  66. part.Reflectance = reflectance
  67. ]]
  68. if str:sub(-1)~='n' then str=str..'n' end
  69. end
  71. findLoop2 = function(children) -- Function: findLoop, Description: Just a find loop, Variables: children (Part).
  72. if tablecheck(AllowedClassnames, v.ClassName) then
  73. v:Clone().Parent = game.Lighting.Copy
  74. v.Parent = game.Lighting.Copy
  75. end
  76. if v:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' ~= true then -- Anti player copy.
  77. end
  78. end
  79. wait(2)
  80. printFunction(line)
  81. end
  82. printFunction('d=function(p,t,te,face,n,ff)if type(ff)'string' then'SpecialMesh',p);me.MeshType=ff;me.MeshId=t;me.TextureId=te;me.Name=n;[1],face[2],face[3]); else'Decal',p);xx.Texture=te;xx.Transparency=t;xx.Face=face;xx.Name=n;end;end') -- Decal (d) function.
  83. printFunction('ss=function(p,bs,bz,fs,ls,rs,ts)p.BackSurface=bs;p.BottomSurface=bz;p.FrontSurface=fs;p.LeftSurface=ls;p.RightSurface=rs;p.TopSurface=ts;end') -- SetSurface (ss) function.
  84. printFunction('game.Lighting.Ambient ='..tostring(game.Lighting.Ambient)..')')
  85. printFunction('game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = '..tostring(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay)..'')
  86. printFunction('game.Lighting.Brightness = '..tostring(game.Lighting.Brightness))
  87. printFunction('game.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom ='..tostring(game.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom)..')')
  88. printFunction('game.Lighting.ColorShift_Top ='..tostring(game.Lighting.ColorShift_Top)..')')
  89. printFunction('game.Lighting.GlobalShadows = '..tostring(game.Lighting.GlobalShadows))
  90. printFunction('game.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient ='..tostring(game.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient)..')')
  91. printFunction('game.Lighting.ShadowColor ='..tostring(game.Lighting.ShadowColor)..')')
  92. printFunction('game.Lighting.FogColor ='..tostring(game.Lighting.FogColor)..')')
  93. printFunction('game.Lighting.FogEnd = '..tostring(game.Lighting.FogEnd))
  94. printFunction('game.Lighting.FogStart = '..tostring(game.Lighting.FogStart))
  95. printFunction('game.Lighting.GeographicLatitude = '..tostring(game.Lighting.GeographicLatitude))
  96. if v:IsA'Sky' then
  97. printFunction(''Sky',game.Lighting)')
  98. printFunction('a.CelestialBodiesShown='..tostring(v.CelestialBodiesShown))
  99. printFunction('a.SkyboxBk='..tostring(v.SkyboxBk)..'')
  100. printFunction('a.SkyboxDn='..tostring(v.SkyboxDn)..'')
  101. printFunction('a.SkyboxFt='..tostring(v.SkyboxFt)..'')
  102. printFunction('a.SkyboxLf='..tostring(v.SkyboxLf)..'')
  103. printFunction('a.SkyboxRt='..tostring(v.SkyboxRt)..'')
  104. printFunction('a.SkyboxUp='..tostring(v.SkyboxUp)..'')
  105. printFunction('a.StarCount='..tostring(v.StarCount))
  106. end
  107. wait(2)
  108. for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting.Copy:GetChildren()) do
  109. end
  110. end
  111. findLoop(game.Workspace) -- Start the script.
Roblox Download A Copy Of A Game