Roblox Guns Download

This extension is not made by Roblox, and can not be used to play Roblox games. Roblox+ is a free Google Chrome extension made by me (WebGL3D) that adds features to the website! Some of the features include:. Item notifier - get notified when a new item comes out or gets updated. Avatar page filter bar. Trade notifier. Support. Free popular Roblox scripts! One of the most popular places to get Roblox Scripts. We have over 2,200 + Visitors and counting!

Roblox Guns DownloadRoblox safe download free
Mar 26th, 2020
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  1. mouse = player:GetMouse()
  2. ammo = maxAmmo
  3. firing=false
  4. reload =2
  5. script.Parent.Activated:Connect(function()
  6. firing =true
  7. repeatlocal bullet='Part', workspace)
  8. bullet.Shape ='Ball'
  9. bullet.BrickColor ='Bright red')
  10. local Axis =, mouse.Hit.p)
  11. local Theta =math.random()*math.pi*2
  12. local x =math.cos(Theta)*math.sin(Phi)
  13. local z =math.cos(Phi)
  14. local Coordinate = Axis * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(x,y,z)
  15. local vel ='BodyVelocity')
  16. game.Debris:AddItem(bullet,15)
  17. if hit.Parent ~= player.Character and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')then
  18. hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health = hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health - damage
  19. end
  20. wait(rate)
  21. end
  22. script.Parent.Deactivated:Connect(function()
  23. firing =false
  24. end)
  25. ifstring.lower(k)'r'and ammo < maxAmmo and firing falsethen
  26. wait(reload)
  27. canFire =true
  28. end)